
今天,加拿大已经149岁了!在这特别的日子,总理Justin Trudeau特意发文,与民众庆祝国庆日。从言简意赅地声明中,读者可能看到总理所强调的加拿大价值和立国之本。事实上,这一切并不是理所当然的,而是经过几代人的努力逐步发展与完善的。加拿大历史上也有过黑暗的阶段,重要的是我们不再重复错误。借此机会,祝福所有读者朋友节日快乐!Happy Canada Day!

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, today issued the following statement on Canada Day:

“Before July 1, 1867, there was a Canada West and a Canada East. There was an Upper Canada and a Lower Canada. There was always a division. Today, we celebrate the day, exactly 149 years ago, when the people of this great land came together, and forged one nation, one country – Canada.

“From the outset, Canada was formed not in spite of differences, but because of them. Thanks to the hard work and understanding between many cultural and religious communities, Canada is the diverse, inclusive, and compassionate country that we are fortunate to call home today.

“This Canada Day, let us celebrate our shared Canadian identity and take pride in everything we have achieved together since Confederation. We stand as a testament to the fact that a prosperous and hopeful nation can be as united as it is diverse.

“Coast to coast to coast, Canadians share many values – values like kindness, generosity, and respect. Whether we are fundraising for Fort Mac, or welcoming Syrian refugees into our communities, we support each other in our times of need. We stand together.

“Today, let us resolve to make our country better for our children and grandchildren, and remember that Canada will only be at its best when we all succeed.

“On behalf of our family, Sophie and I wish you and your loved ones a very happy Canada Day.”
