
总理特鲁多的联邦自由党政府出现了第一个辞职的部长。报道说,联邦政府海洋渔业和海岸警卫队部长Hunter Tootoo突然宣布辞去部长职务、并同时离开自由党议会党团。

Hunter Tootoo给出的辞职理由是需要解决自己瘾君子的问题,但没有明确他的问题是酗酒还是吸毒;Hunter Tootoo请求媒体尊重他的隐私,让他能够集中精力解决自己的问题。观察家们注意到,加拿大总理特鲁多在处理Hunter Tootoo的问题上与对待另一位自由党议员Seamus O’Regan的酗酒问题有很大的不同。

今年初当Seamus O’Regan宣布自己自愿参加戒酒项目后,自由党政府总理特鲁多在推特上发文称“全力支持朋友和同事Seamus戒酒的努力”;而且让Seamus继续留在自由党议会党团内。而这次Hunter Tootoo宣布辞职后,特鲁多只是公事公办的发表声明证实这一辞职事件,并宣布自由党议会党团领袖Dominic LeBlanc将同时兼任海洋和渔业部长职务。

Hunter Tootoo是来自因纽特人居住的努纳吾特特区的联邦议会议员。下面是总理办公室的信息:

The Prime Minister, Justin Trudeau, issued the following statement today on changes to the Ministry:

“Effective immediately, the Honorable Hunter Tootoo has resigned from his position as Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard.

“He will also be leaving the Liberal caucus.

“Mr. Tootoo will be taking time to seek treatment for addiction issues.

“The Honorable Dominic Leblanc will be assuming the role of Minister of Fisheries, Oceans and the Canadian Coast Guard later this evening, in addition to being Government House Leader.”
