
一个全新的主题展览,囊括加拿大著名政治漫画家John Wilson Bengough (1851-1923)和Sam Hunter (1858-1939)的作评,将于12月5日在皇家安省博物馆(简称ROM)正式开幕。主题为Point & Punch: Historical Editorial Cartoons of J.W. Bengough and Sam Hunter将展示ROM所收藏的原始漫画,其中一部分从来没有展示过。这些漫画很好地反映了加拿大在联邦成立以及大萧条期间社会与政治形式的变迁。该主题展安置在ROM的Sigmund Samuel Gallery of Canada的Wilson Canadian Heritage Room,展出延续到2016年9月18日。更多详情如下。

ROM’s Point & Punch exhibition celebrates Canada’s most iconic editorial cartoons

A new exhibition, featuring the political drawings of Canadian cartoonists John Wilson Bengough(1851-1923) and Sam Hunter(1858-1939) opens on Saturday, December 5, 2015 at the Royal Ontario Museum(ROM). Point & Punch: Historical Editorial Cartoons of J.W. Bengough and Sam Hunter showcases the ROM’s collection of original editorial cartoon drawings, some of which have never been on display before. The drawings reflect the social and political climate of the period between Confederation and the Great Depression. The exhibition, on display in the ROM’s Wilson Canadian Heritage Room, in the Sigmund Samuel Gallery of Canada, is open until September 18, 2016.

Bengough and Hunter were both well-known for their work which appeared in the pages of The Globe (the precursor to The Globe and Mail), The World, and The Evening Star, now known as The Toronto Star. Covering Canada’s most powerful politicians from Sir John A. MacDonald to Sir Wilfred Laurier, the cartoons provide a new perspective on Canada’s early socio-economic history including issues such as reciprocity, free trade, and protectionism.

To complement the exhibition, a Point & Punch ROM Daytime lecture, takes place on Thursday, February 25, 2016. In addition, the exhibition will be included in a Spring edition of #FNLROM. Exhibition and programming details are available at rom.on.ca/programs. Point & Punch is free for ROM Members, and is included with ROM General Admission.
