
就在上个月,联邦自由党党魁小杜鲁多宣布了自由党发展经济,投资中产阶层,让更多国人有机会获取关爱护理津贴的计划(Compassionate Care Benefits)。

相互照应一直以来是加拿大人的品质,几乎所有的加拿大人在人生某个阶段,都会面临需要照顾病重亲属的状况,在我的今年接受癌症治疗期间,我的太太叶嘉丽(Jean Yip)就是一直照顾我的那个人。




加拿大癌症协会(Canadian Cancer Society)为此认为,关爱护理津贴让护理人员更进一步获得支持、关怀,获得所需物资,所有的政党都应该巩固此项计划。所有与癌症接触过的民众都理解病患护理是国家健康体系中无形的中坚力量,它的重要性无论如何夸大都


Support for Caregivers: A View From a Cancer Patient

This past month, the Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, announced his latest commitment to grow the economy and invest in the middle class by giving Canadians greater access to compassionate care benefits.

Caring for each other is an essential part of what it means to be Canadian. At some point in their lives, nearly every Canadian bears the responsibility of caring for a loved one who is seriously ill. In my case, it was my wife Jean who recently cared for me while I underwent treatment for cancer this year.

Having spent several months in and out of the hospital and doctor offices, I saw firsthand how caregiving can place a major financial strain on families. The stories of people who are forced to leave their jobs and drain their savings to provide essential care to loved ones are heartbreaking. This care helps keep people at home and in their community, instead of somewhere far away from family and friends.

There is an existing benefit in the Employment Insurance system available for compassionate care to help offset the cost of taking time off work, but it is so narrow that very few people can actually use it. It only applies if the person receiving care is at serious risk of death within six months. Worse still, some qualify, but understandably do not want to abandon hope of recovery by asking a doctor to confirm the risk of losing their loved one.

Not only is that unfair, it hurts our economy and our middle class.

We can do better: in addition to cutting taxes for the middle class and creating a larger Canada Child Benefit, a Liberal government will make benefits for caregivers more inclusive and flexible. We will expand the eligibility criteria for care to apply to any family member who is seriously ill, not just one at risk of imminent death. We will also allow the benefit to be claimed in blocks of time over a yearlongperiod.

In the word of the Canadian Cancer Society, “This is a step forward in making sure caregivers receive the support, care and resources they need, and it’s a step all parties must now build on.” Those of us who have had cancer touch their lives or any other critical illness, understand that caregiving is an invisible backbone of our health system. Its importance to those who receive it cannot be overstated.

Too many Canadians shoulder the responsibility of caregiving, and I’m pleased to stand with a Liberal government committed to making a real difference for those who need it most. The families I met are counting on us to provide caregivers with the support they need during such difficult times.
