1. 康尼应向30万移民申请人道歉,他们的申请被扔进了太平洋。这些人出于诚意排队等待,很多人已经等候了数年,弹指一挥间,康尼取消了所有这些人的申请资料。
2. 康尼应向5万投资类别的申请人道歉,他们的申请被扔进了垃圾桶。新的投资移民计划一团糟。只有6个人申请这一计划(是的,只有六个),部分原因是康尼的荒唐规定,要投资者英语必须说得像英语教授一样好。
3. 康尼应向公民申请者道歉,他们的申请时间翻倍、申请费增四倍、新增多个障碍。其中一个最愚蠢的举动,是取消了他们作为国际留学生所留居加拿大的时间,而留学生是移民加拿大的最合适人选之一。
4. 康尼应向永久居民的家属道歉,他们申请来加的等候时间飆升至顶。根据联邦政府自己的统计数据,在康尼的控制之下,父母和祖父母的申请处理时间翻成两倍多,配偶和子女的等候时间上涨80%。他应该对强加给这些家庭的痛楚和彷徨不定而道歉。
5. 康尼应向具有双重国籍的加拿大公民道歉,他们成为了二等公民。具有双重国籍的公民,将面临国籍被吊销的危险。康尼应该明白,一个加国公民,就是加国公民。
6. 康尼应向难民申请人道歉,他们被拒绝了基本的医疗。法官已经裁决,这样的拒绝是“残忍和不寻常的”,因此也是违反宪法的。但是保守党政府继续抵抗法庭的指令。
7. 康尼应向来自海外的妻子道歉,她们有可能被暴露于家庭暴力的风险。这些人入境后,不再立刻被给予移民身份,而是被置于两年的条件期。所有的专家一致认为,这种任由他人摆佈的身份,将置这些妇女于虐待的风险之中。
8. 康尼应向居家护理者道歉,这一项目被搞得一片混乱。无论是新的居家护理申请来加,还是居家护理本地申请移民,处理时间都显著加长。
9. 康尼应向国际留学生道歉,一些职业类别原定学成合格后可以留下,康尼违背了加国对留学生的承诺,让学生前功尽弃。这些学生们期待成为永久居民,为留学加国倾注了青春时间和投资,但康尼突然取消这些职业,令他们陷于困境。
Jason Kenney is the architect of the Harper government’s immigration policy over past ten years. While he says that I should apologize for criticizing his policies (Ming Pao, August 16), it is Jason Kenney who owes nine apologies to Canadians for the damage he has done to hundreds of thousands of people, as well as to Canada’s international reputation.
1. Jason Kenney should apologize to the 300,000 applicants for permanent residence whose applications he dropped into the Pacific Ocean. At the snap of a finger, he eliminated the files of all those people who had been waiting in good faith, often for many years, to come to Canada.
2. Jason Kenney should apologize to the 50,000 investor class applicants whose applications he threw in the garbage can. The new investor program is a disaster. Only 6 people (yes, SIX people) have applied under this program, partly because of Jason Kenney’s ridiculous rule that foreign investors must speak English as well as an English professor.
3. Jason Kenney should apologize to citizenship applicants for doubling processing times, quadrupling fees and erecting new barriers. A particularly stupid move was to eliminate the credit for time spent in Canada by international students when these students are among the most qualified candidates for immigration to Canada.
4. Jason Kenney should apologize to families of permanent residents whose waiting times to come to Canada have gone through the roof. According to the government’s own statistics, under Jason Kenney’s watch, processing times for parents and grandparents have more than doubled while waiting times for spouses and children have gone up 80%. He should apologize for the pain and uncertainty he has imposed on all these families.
5. Jason Kenney should apologize to Canadian citizens who hold dual citizenship for making them second class Canadians. This is because only dual citizens are at risk of having their citizenship revoked. Jason Kenney should understand that a Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian.
6. Jason Kenney should apologize to refugee applicants who have been denied basic health care. A judge has said that this denial is “cruel and unusual” and therefore unconstitutional, but the government continues to resist the order of the court.
7. Jason Kenney should apologize to wives of Canadians entering from overseas for exposing them to a risk of domestic abuse. This is because those individuals are no longer granted immediate permanent residence, but are admitted on a two year conditional basis. All the experts agree that this precarious status puts these women at risk of abuse. He should also apologize for the huge delays confronting those who marry foreigners inside Canada.
8. Jason Kenney should apologize to caregivers for messing up their programProcessing times are up dramatically for both new caregivers entering Canada and for caregivers seeking permanent residence in this country.
9. Jason Kenney should apologize to international students for retroactively reversing Canada’s commitment that they could remain in Canada if they became qualified in certain occupations.Suddenly he eliminated some of those occupations, leaving people stranded after they had invested time and money to study in Canada in the hope of becoming permanent residents.