尼泊尔地震赈灾义演6月26日Palace Theatre举行

The London Cross Cultural Learner Centre (CCLC) in partnership with the Non-Resident Nepali Association of Canada (NRN) and the Palace Theatre are hosting on Friday June the 26th at 7:00 pm the “NEPAL EARTHQUAKE BENEFIT,” in light of the devastating aftermath of the earthquake in Nepal. An Earthquake with a magnitude of 7.8 shook the Himalayan Country, Nepal on 25 April 2015 killing more than 8,000 people and over 17,000 injured. The disaster is further worsen by second major earthquake on12 May 2015 with a magnitude of 7.3. Hundreds of thousands of people were made homeless with entire villages flattened across many districts of the country. This is a small effort to “Be with Nepal.”  Ticket proceeds and donations will go towards the rebuilding of a school in Nepal.

The evening promises to include a vibrant spectacle of various cultural performances from the Nepali and Bhutanese community, as well as an opening feature in solidarity by popular local Middle Eastern dabke group, Al-Asala. The evening is also featuring internationally renowned singer, composer and songwriter Buddhi Sagar Bashyal (a.k.a “Wisdom Ocean”) amongst anticipated talent.

The CCLC is also accepting online donations for Nepal through its website www.lcclc.org for the purpose of organizing free health camps and rebuilding a school in  central Nepal.  Please select the “Donate Now” button and the “Nepal Earthquake Benefit” fund for your donation. A charitable tax receipt will be automatically issued for your donations.

For more information about the internationally renowned singer, composer, and songwriter Buddhi Sagar Bashyal (a.k.a “Wisdom Ocean”) please visit his website: www.hollywoodnepal.com.

All  proceeds of the Benefit will go towards rebuilding a Nepalese school.

Ticket prices will be:
· Online; $26.00 per person
· Other options: $25.00 per person

Limited tickets for the Nepal Earthquake Benefit will be available at
· CCLC at 505 Dundas Street, London, ON N6B 1W4
519-432-1133 ext. 231;
· the Palace Theatre box-office, or
· online at http://mytickets.palacetheatre.ca
