假若你想知道这瓶酒的年份,估计你从酒瓶The Royal Coat of Arms上可以粗略了解到。很遗憾的是,笔者还真不那么熟悉英国皇室历史,所以说不出一个道道来。据了解,Haig威士忌早在1894年就在Edinburgh注册企业。在第二次世界大战之后得以拓展为Markinch Production Facility,总部在1952年迁移至Markinch,开始使用Markinch Scotland,这就是笔者酒瓶上的标记。同时考虑到该瓶酒有配套的纸盒,这是直到上世纪20年代末期之后才开始有的。
那么,卖主又是怎么得到这瓶古老的威士忌的呢?估计会让许多朋友大吃一惊!Luc并不是一个威士忌藏家,相反他有点类似淘宝之人。原因很简单,他在1-800-GOT-Junk工作,也就是说经常去居民家里,帮助清除旧物,这就让他有机会看到人家许多旧物。这瓶Haig Pinch就是他所淘到的宝贝之一,估计他的许多同事都没有想到还有这种生财之道吧!
从上面介绍,Luc可能是捡漏之人!但是,Luc也是一个非常Smart的人,在将这瓶Haig Pinch转到我手里之前,他已经做了许多研究!当在朋友推介下,我们两个Deal时,Luc就成了专家,价格自然是他说了算。当笔者在写下这些文字时,Luc还在与我一起探讨这瓶酒的年份,这是他的原话:
Amazing! Thank you so much for contacting me and letting me know it made it safe and sound. I always am a little worried when shipping fragile items.
I tried to find the history on this bottle myself, and I found it is very hard to find that exact bottle. There seems to be a ton of old bottles that look similar with this bottle, but they aren’t that exact one that you have.
The info I found online is that it’s based around the 60-70’s, and the distillery that makes this alcohol is one of the oldest distilleries to still be functioning to date!
If you find more info on it definitely pass it to me, I’m curious. The info I found online lead me to believe It was bottled roughly around that time frame. Another reason I thought it would be from that time is because I found roughly 4-9 bottles from the same job that I found this Pinch bottle, and they were all from the 50-80’s.