不知道今年是否是安省进步保守党(PC)的本命年?但至少算得上是多事之秋。早在今年1月份,由于CTV News报道前PC党领Patrick Brown性行为不当,后者辞去党领,从此脱离政治舞台中心。尽管4月底Patrick Brown声称要起诉CTV News,提出了$800万诉讼,到底最后胜算如何,估计也成了老百姓茶余饭后的谈资。
正是由于Patrick Brown的问题,进步保守党算得上大选前陷入党领危机。经历一段颇为混乱的选战之后,Doug Ford出人意料胜选,临阵负命,担负其振兴安省进步保守党的大任。尽管Rob Ford在担任多伦多市长期间,发生许多颇博眼球的大事,但他的执政还是得到一批民众,特别是一批华人的爱戴。也就是从Rob Ford竞选开始,Ford Nation(福特王国)正式诞生,成为其政治遗产。当Doug Ford成功晋升成PC党领之后,Ford Nation就成为其囊中物,开始在安省拓展。
在Patrick Brown担任党领时,PC在民调中一直领先。经历党领危机之后,在很短时间内,Doug Ford所带领的安省进步保守党再次夺回民调首位。这是靠Doug Ford的魅力和能力获得吗?笔者不敢断言,但有两点人们很清楚,其一,Patrick Brown时代PC民调就遥遥领先的事实;其二,Rob Ford所推出的Ford Nation有不错的基础,并有一定的影响力。不过,在Andrea Horwath带领下,NDP弯道超车,在民调上成功赶超PC。在这里,估计有许多政治学科研究人员将来会探究NDP与PC的民调百分比变动原因,党领能力是否是其中的关键呢?
大选日在6月7日,而在大选的前三天,6月4日,Doug Ford的弟媳,也就是Rob Ford的遗孀Renata Ford正式向安省高等法庭递交诉状,状告Doug Ford侵吞其弟弟Rob Ford留给她和两个孩子的遗产,要求赔偿她和孩子应得的财产$1,650万。从Patrick Brown向CTV News起诉,索赔到$800,到Doug Ford被弟媳起诉,索赔$1,650万,笔者的思路真的没有跟上哦!这个新闻刊登在许多主流媒体,诸如Toronto Star,Huffpost Canada的头条,但直到笔者发稿时,中文媒体,特别是无孔不入的社交媒体微信圈竟然消音,这让笔者吃惊不已!
作为媒体,其功能之一就是帮助读者实现知情权!笔者在这里不再去翻译主流报道,但将其附在这里,方便大家了解。自从Doug Ford担任PC党领以来,他已经成为一大批华人所敬仰的“教父”式人物,一拨人早就将安省的未来放在他的手中。之所以成为如此敬仰的人物,人们所称道Doug Ford的主要有两点,1) 传统家庭好男人;2) 功成名就大商人。假若读者有心情仔细阅读下面的英文报道的话,这两顶帽子全部遭到质疑!尽管诉讼书中所讲述的内容遭到Doug Ford的一口否定,但有些事情一经发生,就覆水难收,该让那一大批华裔支持者情何以堪呢?(文/牛弹琴)
下面是Toronto Star报道原文:
Rob Ford’s widow sues Doug Ford, alleging he has deprived her and her children of millions
Rob Ford遗孀状告Doug Ford,侵吞理应属于她和两个孩子的遗产
The widow and children of former Toronto mayor Rob Ford are suing his brother Doug Ford, alleging he has deprived them of millions of dollars, including shares in the family business and a life insurance policy left behind to support his family.
In a $16.5-million lawsuit filed Friday in Superior Court, Renata Ford also alleges that former brother-in-law Doug Ford is a “negligent” business manager whose decisions have led to a steady decrease in the value of the Ford company, Deco Labels. Despite setting his sights on a political career, Doug has continued to receive “extravagant compensation,” even though Deco is losing money, Renata claims in her court filings.
Doug Ford has “knowingly and deliberately put (Renata and her two children) in a highly stressful and unfair financial position during their period of grief after Rob Ford’s death, and continued to do so for more than two years after Rob Ford’s death,” the statement of claim alleges.
The lawsuit was filed by lawyers from Aird & Berlis LLP in Superior Court against Doug, his brother Randy (who is a top executive at Deco), and the Deco company itself. The allegations have not been proven in court.
After the Star sent a list of questions to Doug Ford, a spokesperson responded with two statements, one from Doug and one from Diane Ford, his mother.
“These claims relating to Deco are completely false and we will strongly refute them in court,” said Doug Ford’s statement.
“I have also stood by my brother and his family through so many of their challenging times, and will always be there for (Rob and Renata’s children). Renata’s lawyers have been clear to us throughout this campaign, that either we hand over money, or they would go public with these false claims, and that is exactly what they have done, with three days to go until the election.”
Diane Ford sent the following statement through Doug’s spokesperson.
“It is heartbreaking that Renata has chosen to bring forward these false and baseless allegations against our family, right in the middle of the provincial election campaign. As a family, our one goal is to ensure Rob’s children are cared for and their financial futures are secure. Renata has serious struggles with addiction, and our hope is that she will accept help for the sake of herself and my grandchildren,” Diane said in her statement.
Randy Ford did not respond to a request for comment. (原文链接:https://www.thestar.com/news/canada/2018/06/04/rob-fords-widow-sues-doug-ford-alleging-he-has-deprived-them-of-millions.html)