



您的助理试图阻止由Deloitte负责的独立审计。他们干扰参议院报告,所设计的事件过程要点根本不是真的–包括Nigel Wright给达菲$9万支票的细节。往来电邮证明你现在竞选团队内的高层人员,包括Marjory LeBreton,Irving Gerstein和Ray Novak都参与其中。


1. 您在此次大选首场党领辩论时说:“当坏行为出现时,领袖的角色是要承担责任,并要这些人负责。”如果你仍然同意这个说法,如果你还有一点点对您所授特权职位的尊重–为什么您至今还未开除团队内涉案的这些人?

2.  您在国会说Nigel Wright开出$9万支票的决定“没有告诉我或我办公室的其他人。”然而法庭证据显示Nigel Wright发电邮给总理办公室的律师Benjamin Perrin和您现任办公室主任Ray Novak,表示他要发出一张个人支票。当这证据近日公诸于世时,您则说“绝大多数”的助理不知道Nigel Wright的支票。那有谁知道呢?当您发首份声明时,您知道那份声明是错误的吗?

3. 对那张$9万的支票。2013年您说:“5月15号周3,我被告知这件事。”第二天,您的办公室发表声明,说总理对Nigel Wright“有信心”,并且“他不会辞职。”几个月后,您又说:“他被开除了。”如果您开除Nigel Wright,为什么您办公室会发表声明说您对他有信心?

4. 自Nigel Wright 2013年5月19号离开您办公室后,您或您的助理曾否与他有任何关于政府事务的接触?




Letter to the Prime Minister from Justin Trudeau

The Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada, Justin Trudeau, today sent the following letter to Stephen Harper:

Prime Minister,

Evidence presented at the Mike Duffy trial demonstrates there was an attempt by members of your staff to cover-up Mr. Duffy’s expenses and then provide a false version of events to Parliament and to Canadians.

Your staff tried to end an independent audit by Deloitte, they manipulated a Senate report, and they crafted talking points about these events that were simply not true – including the details of Nigel Wright’s $90,000 cheque to Mike Duffy. The e-mails demonstrate that senior members of your current campaign team, including Marjory LeBreton, Irving Gerstein, and Ray Novak, were a part of these activities.

This evidence is raising extremely serious questions about your judgement and your public statements to this point.  1.You stated during the first leaders’ debate of this election campaign: “When bad actions arise, the role of the leader is to take responsibility and hold people accountable.” If you stand by that statement, and if you have any respect left for the office that you are privileged to currently hold – why have you not already fired the members of your team who were involved in these activities?

2.You stood in the House of Commons and said Nigel Wright’s decision to write a $90,000 cheque was “not communicated to me or to members of my office.” Yet evidence at court shows that Nigel Wright e-mailed the PMO’s lawyer, Benjamin Perrin, and your current Chief of Staff, Ray Novak, indicating he was sending a personal cheque. As this evidence was made public in recent days, you now say that the “vast majority” of your staff was unaware of Nigel Wright’s cheque. Who specifically was aware? Were you aware that your first statement was false when you made it?

3.With respect to the $90,000 cheque, in 2013, you said: “On Wednesday, May 15, I was told about it.” The next day your office released a statement saying Nigel Wright “has the confidence of the Prime Minister” and “he will not resign.” Months later you then said “he was dismissed.” If you dismissed Nigel Wright, why did your office release a statement saying that he had your confidence?

4.Have you, or any members of your staff, had any contact with Nigel Wright on any government business since he left your office on May 19, 2013?

Canadians deserve answers to these questions – answers that you have refused to provide.


Justin Trudeau
Leader of the Liberal Party of Canada
