在哈珀执政的10年之后,加拿大人已经做好迎接变革的准备,Justin Trudeau(小杜鲁多)以及自由党团队已经拥有做出变革的计划。
联邦自由党安省竞选副主席,以及密市-米而顿国会议员候选人Navdeep Bains表示,我们的团队代表着丰富多元的行业与背景,包括前任和现任市府议员、市长、退伍军人、执法人员、医疗健康和商业领袖、教师、创业者,以及原住民领袖等,“渥太华需要全新的领导时代。”
“此次大选是有关于我们国家的未来发展,而自由党已经拥有将未来规划更好的计划,自由党团队将为加拿大人作出真实和正面的变革” 小杜鲁多表示,“我们有适用于中产家庭的减税计划,帮助国人保留更多的收入,我们还将设立一个更大,更公平,自动,以及无税的每月计划,减轻抚养孩子的支出,在该项计划下,10个家庭中将有9个会因此获益,这才是真正的变革。”
Justin Trudeau Kicks Off Campaign Trail in Peel
After a decade of Stephen Harper Canadians are ready for real change in Ottawa. Justin Trudeau and the Liberal Party have the plan and the team to provide this change.
With the start of the campaign this past Sunday, the Liberal Party has nominated more candidates than any other party. After spending the last two and a half years building the most diverse team of candidates in Canadian history, the Liberal Party is best positioned to bring real change to Ottawa.
Our team represents a rich variety of backgrounds, including: former and current municipal councillors and mayors, veterans, law enforcement, health care and business leaders, teachers, entrepreneurs, and Aboriginal leaders. said Navdeep Bains, Ontario Campaign Co-Chair and Liberal Candidate for Mississauga-Malton. “It’s time for a new generation of leadership in Ottawa.”
“This election is about our future and Liberals have the plan and the team to make a real, positive differencefor Canadians,” said Mr. Trudeau. “We have a real plan that will cut taxes for the middle class, so Canadians can keep more of their paycheques. We will also create one bigger, fair, automatic, and tax free monthly benefit that will help families with the high cost of raising their kids. Nine out of ten families will get more fromour plan. That’s real change.”
“Under this Conservative government, all Canadians have received is the voice of the Prime Minister in their communities,” said Mr. Trudeau. “Liberals are committed to returning a voice to all constituents, and we are very proud of both the talent and the diversity on our team.”