8月4日,陈圣源(Shaun Chan)书面请求辞去多伦多教育局主席一职,全心全意参与联邦大选。在信中,陈圣源指出,作为第21区(Scarborough-Rouge River)教育委员,暂时请假,直至下次申请回归。请假期间,陈圣源将不从教育局领取工资。陈圣源对大家的支持表示了感谢,并期望继续得到大家的支持。下面是辞职信的全部内容:
August 4, 2015
Board of Trustees and
Donna Quan, Director of Education
Toronto District School Board
Dear Fellow Trustees and Director Quan:
I am writing to inform you that effective immediately, I am resigning as Chair of the Toronto District School Board. I am also taking a leave of absence until further notice as Trustee for Ward 21, Scarborough–Rouge River. I will not accept any salary from the TDSB during this time.
As you may know, the Prime Minister of Canada dropped the writ this past Sunday, launching a federal election campaign in which I am a candidate. In keeping my commitment, I am stepping down as Chair, allowing the Board to select a replacement in the days to come prior to the new school year.
Since becoming Chair last year, it has been a pleasure and privilege to work with an incredibly dedicated Board of Trustees––champions of public education who are committed each and every day to serving our communities and advocating for our children and youth. Your continued support has been invaluable.
This has been a time of transformation at the Board. By working together, we have made changes to set the system on a positive path forward. We approved a new whistleblower policy, reduced Trustee discretionary expenses by over 55% and became the first Ontario school board to establish an integrity commissioner.
Through it all, we have focused on what truly matters most: our students and their success. It is my hope that the Board continues to build on the positive steps we have taken to increase accountability and focus on student achievement.
Thank you once again for the trust and confidence you have placed in me. It has been an honour to serve as your Chair.
Shaun Chen