
–读纽约时报畅销书作者Marc Shapiro新作What Is Hip?
在5月8日,笔者收到来自美国Riverdale Avenue Books工作人员Alyssa Tognetti的邮件,询问是否有兴趣评论他们出版的新书What Is Hip? The Life And Times Of The Tragically Hip。笔者不是很清楚她从哪里找到的联系方式,但是附上的简单介绍很有吸引力。
其一,这是美国出版的关于加拿大摇滚乐队The Tragically Hip的第一本书;其二,总理Justin Trudeau的书评是“The Tragically Hip… the soundtrack of our lives.”(The Tragically Hip … 我们时代的音乐。);其三,作者很有名。纽约时报畅销书作家Marc Shapiro,已撰写60多本非虚构名人传记,20多本漫画书,众多短篇小说、诗歌和三个短剧本。著作JK Rowling: The Wizard Behind Harry Potter,在《纽约时报》畅销书排行榜连续四周,著作Total Titanic在《洛杉矶时报》畅销书排行榜连续四周。他著作的名人小说包括有Lorde,Jenni Rivera,EL James,Justin Bieber,Norman Reedus,Shonda Rimes和Donald Trump。
尽管对The Tragically Hip毫无了解,考虑到自己喜欢看书以及这些有吸引力的介绍,笔者答应尝试阅读这本著作。Alyssa告诉笔者,考虑到出版社在美国,能否直接发给电子版。笔者婉拒,建议她邮寄实体书。在5月17日中午,笔者就顺利拿到了书,看来效率还是挺高的。不过,书的设计、印刷和装订出乎意料之外,但笔者也顾不得那么多。一口气将200多页的书读完,笔者感觉还是挺不错的!下面,笔者就与大家分享这个读书心得吧!
因为究竟在是大作者的创作,笔者觉得首先有必要来谈谈Marc Shapiro的写法。笔者自己算是理科出身,读What Is Hip?一书,觉得有点读科研论文,这可能是非虚构名人小说的特色。除了开头,中间个别部分穿插之后,Marc Shapiro基本上是按照The Tragically Hip的发展顺序来讲述的,而且阶段性的讲述,比方说,每一个专辑的诞生都似乎有些共性。
在最初开始阅读时,笔者觉得总体讲述过于严谨。平铺直叙不说,章法基本一致,会让人读来感觉有些粗糙。但是将整本书完成之后,笔者又不由得不叹服作者的技巧,因为整本书囊括的内容之多绝不是一般小说能够做到的。考虑到如此多的信息堆集,有序介绍自然是最理想的选择,不然就会很乱,很乱。假若读者您计划写纪实性名人传记的话,您可以借鉴Marc Shapiro。笔者唯一带有疑问的是,Marc Shapiro是如何获取这么多相关信息的?
其二,笔者的重点自然就是要讲述The Tragically Hip的故事。那么,笔者该从哪个角度来介绍呢?在“作者的话(Author’s Notes)”中,作者对The Tragically Hip的评价是:a decent bunch of guys, good to fans and family to a fault, made heartfelt and thougtful music and have ultimately been loyal to their Canadian roots(简单理解就是:他们本身就是相当高贵的人,对乐迷和家人非常好,用心和大脑生产音乐,无限忠于加拿大)。在笔者看来,这个评价已经非常之高,没有多少加拿大人,特别是艺术家能够做到这一点,不是吗?
看完整本书之后,笔者才理解为何作者如此高地评价The Tragically Hip,因为他们确实是非常不平凡的人。为何这么说呢?还是让笔者从几个方面来阐述吧!
第一,乐队骨干人员,包括Gordon Downie(主唱兼吉他,音乐人)、Paul Langlois(节奏吉他,和声)、Rob Baker(主音吉他)、Gord Sinclair(贝斯,和声)和Johnny Fay(鼓手)从加入那一天开始,就没有离开过。从1983年至2016年,30多年,The Tragically Hip一直坚持着,牢不可破!这在笔者看来,这应该算得上是一个奇迹!
众所周知,乐队并不是一个非常紧密的团体,而是一个相对松散的组合。而The Tragically Hip是一个非常成功的乐队,其足迹不仅在加拿大,还包括在美国,以及不同的欧洲国家。之所以30多年,The Tragically Hip乐队成员坚守在一起,在笔者看来有三个原因,包括1)加拿大的传统价值;2)大家生活在Kingston小城,童年时就开始交往;和3)Gordon Downie的天赋和魅力。正如成员之一Gord Sinclair表白说,“When you’ve been doing this for a long time it becomes like a marriage.”
第二,The Tragically Hip成绩斐然。至目前为止,以The Tragically Hip名义出版有14张专辑,2张现场音乐会专辑,27分钟长的The Tragicall Hip EP,创作54首歌曲,其中9首曾经位列加拿大专辑榜(Canadian Albums Chart)第一名,14次抱回加拿大版葛来美奖“朱诺奖”(Juno Award)奖杯。The Tragically Hip进入了加拿大名人堂和音乐名人堂,并荣获“总督奖”。
对于The Tragically Hip的专辑,也许您熟悉其中几张。主要包括有Up to Here,Road Apples,Full Completely,Day for Night,Trouble at the Henhouse,Music @ WorK,Coke Machine Glow,In Violet Light,Battle of the Nudes,World Container,Not for Plan A和Man Machine Poem。
值得特别说明的是,The Tragically Hip早在1989年推出的专辑Up to Here,包含有歌曲New Orleans is Sinking。该单曲一经推出就名列Canadian Singles Chart第70名和Canadian Content Chart第一名。之后,该曲经常在不同的电台持续播放,极大地推广了The Tragically Hip,经久不息。然而,到了2005年10月,情况发生了很大变化。因为在这一年九月,Katrina台风袭击New Orleans,真的如歌词所示,“新奥尔良在沉没!”为避免敏感,电台停止播放,而音乐会上也演唱也得到个别歌迷反感。
有鉴于此,Gordon Downie不得不在媒体上解释,“The core message of the song is positive. It praises the spirit of the city that cannot be beaten and will certainly rise again.”而Johnny Fay在媒体访谈时也说,“We had people in Canada and they said they were not going to play that song. But if you did the history of the city, like the band and particularly Gord did, you would know that New Orleans was always expecting the big one.”通过乐队成员的努力,该曲播放才逐步回升,避免乐队陷入困境。从这里,读者也可能感受到音乐本身的力量和脆弱!
第三,向南挺进,屡败屡战。对于加拿大人来说,The Tragically Hip 被奉为本土乐队的经典代表,乐队歌曲多为吉他演奏,配上充满加拿大精神的歌词,让人充满过敏自豪感。The Tragically Hip的歌曲不仅是加拿大集体意志的一部分,也是一种团结的力量,将加拿大人生活的方方面面连结在一起。
正如总理Justin Trudeau为该书写得评论:When I was in high school and university, we would celebrate (The Tragically Hip) as our local band … at one point we were sure they’s are going to break out, but you know what, I am so glad they’re all ours … The Tragically Hip is inexorably part of who and what we are as a country. (总理点评有三点,1) 在高中时候,他就是其粉丝;2) 很早他就感受到乐队会爆发,成名;3) 很自豪乐队是加拿大人们和国家不可分割的一部分。身为加拿大人,他感谢Gord Downie及The Tragically Hip在加拿大音乐领域贡献数十年,他们会永远存在人民心中,歌曲也会传唱下去。)
但事实上,从一开始,挺进美国市场一直是The Tragically Hip在努力的。无论是举办音乐会之旅,还是和美国唱片公司和推广公司合作。但是,非常遗憾的是,The Tragically Hip在美国的成绩相当有限。让笔者的感受,屡败屡战可能是最好的描述!是不是他们一直追崇的加拿大文化“原汁原味”的主旋律的影响呢,笔者不得而知。事实上,The Tragically Hip在美国一直没有大的收获!
关于The Tragically Hip的最后一点,笔者要强调的是他们在加拿大的影响力。这从他们最后一次音乐会的盛况可以感受到。2016年8月22日,巴西里约奥运会闭幕式盛大上演,吸引全球观众的目光。然而,超过三分之一的加拿大观众,却守在电视机前,并非观赏奥运闭幕式,而是欣赏The Tragically Hip音乐会。一个摇滚乐队,竟能够盖过奥运会?这可能也只可能发生在加拿大,也只有The Tragically Hip有如此牛。
在这里,笔者还要提及一点是,对于华人移民来说,虽然The Tragically Hip在加拿大可谓家喻户晓,但又有多少加拿大华人熟悉它呢?至少,笔者自己就觉得很遗憾,没有在此之前了解The Tragically Hip,不然一定会到音乐会现场体验一番的。在社交媒体上,有些同胞总是在抱怨跟加拿大文化无法共鸣,很难融入加拿大人情怀当中去。假若我们能花时间去了解类似The Tragically Hip这样经典的本地乐队,听听这些加拿大人喜爱的歌曲,应该更能和本地文化产生共鸣,更好地了解加拿大人的心情。
当然,The Tragically Hip的2016年音乐会如此有名,也是因为这支传奇乐队的辉煌可能会有变故。在2016年5月,The Tragically Hip宣告乐队主唱、灵魂人物Gord Downie被诊断患上恶性胶质瘤。这是一种目前无法治愈的脑部癌症。由于 Gord Downie的病情已受到控制,The Tragically Hip才举行2016年度的15次高强度巡回演出,但医生也说过这个病随时会复发。尽管The Tragically Hip没有明讲2016年是乐队最后一次巡演,可大部分乐队粉丝心中有数,都认为这可能是Gord Downie最后一次站上舞台,因此当演唱会一开放售票,立刻被抢购一空。
从网络了解到,在以突出对音乐前辈的尊敬和纪念的2017朱诺音乐奖上,Gord Downie因创作“Secret Path“被授予年度最佳歌曲创作奖。歌曲的内容涉及1966年一名12岁原住民孩子Chanie Wenjack,从寄宿学校跑出来后,死去的故事。这首歌还获得成人唱片二等奖和最佳包装奖。Gord Downie因健康问题没有到现场,参加颁奖晚会,以录像形式发表获奖感言。他说:“第一民族有很多很多这样的故事。我想通过歌曲的形式,与唱片上的绘画相结合,帮助老师们更好地辅导年轻人……”而The Tragically Hip赢得了2017年最佳乐队组合奖。Paul Langois代表乐队上台领奖,由于太激动,感谢很多人,讲话超过规定时间,直到麦克被关才下台。
在行将结束本文的时候,笔者还要稍微谈到,加拿大音乐一直具有自己的特色,但在20世纪六七十年代美国流行文化的冲击下,一度迷失自我。摇滚歌王布来恩•亚当斯等一代歌坛巨星在20世纪八九十年代的出现使加拿大进入流行摇滚乐的黄金时代。进入21世纪后,互联网成为以独立音乐人为主流的加拿大音乐界和世界乐坛之间的桥梁,大批风格鲜明的加拿大音乐人迅速亮相世界舞台。据权威统计数字显示,加拿大已被誉为世界第六大音乐市场 。
正如作者Marc Shapiro所言:“什么让我陷入去思考The Tragically Hip很多问题呢?最为诱人的莫过于他们是如何炼成的?在很大程度上可以说,The Tragically Hip是一个几乎完全避免创意和商业智慧妥协的乐队。退一步说,如果没有The Tragically Hip,他们的职业生涯可能更加容易,当然也完全不同。”
假若读者您对同样的问题感兴趣,或者愿意花时间去更好地了解加拿大及其音乐界,这本书回答了这些问题!对于笔者来说,一定会关注多伦多及周边小城的音乐会信息,假若哪一天The Tragically Hip再次出场的话,希望不要错过机会!假若读者您获得了这样的信息,可不要忘记通知笔者哦!
1. How did Marc Shapiro get the idea to write the book on The Tragically Hip?
I had been a casual fan but, ultimately, a curious fan that wanted to know more. I liked the idea that they were the anti American Idol group that was forging their career the old fashioned way, through constant touring and by sticking to their principles and not compromising. Was curious as to why a band that had been literal superstars in Canada for three decades could, in a commercial sense, not get arrested outside of Canada and why a detailed biography on the band had not been written. Then, with the announcement of Gord Downie’s illness and the subsequent final tour, it seemed like the right time to bring the band’s life and career full circle.
2. How did Marc Shapiro know The Tragically Hip?
Quite simply, through their music. They were not predictable and were literate in a way that most bands never aspire to being. Their humanity and decency was contagious. They never acted like primadonna rock stars but rather they were just hard working, honest musicians who went about their business creating music. When it comes to The Tragically Hip, honesty in music and life has always been their watchword.
3. How long did it take to write the book?
I started writing What Is Hip? The Life And Times Of The Tragically Hip (Riverdale Avenue Books) shortly after the band announced Gord Downie’s illness and the subsequently announced final tour. It took approximately 3 months of around the clock research and tracking down those who were willing to talk about the band. It was not easy when it came to finding people to talk on the record. A couple of people did, a third agreed to an interview and then, a few hours later, changed her mind, a couple of people just flat out said thanks but no thanks and one person supplied reams of useful information on the condition that his name not be used. Canadians in particular are very loyal and protective of The Tragically Hip. Fortunately, the band had been very media friendly over the years and, consequently, there was a lot of information to reference.
4. Did you ever meet or interview Gord Downie?
Unfortunately not. After the final tour, the band pretty much scattered to the four winds and were not making themselves available for interviews.
5. When will What Is Hip? The Life And Times Of The Tragically Hip (Riverdale Avenue Books) be available in the Canadian market?
The book is available in the Canadian market right now. It can be ordered through Riverdale Avenue Books, Amazon.com (Canada and US), Smashwords and countless other publishing platforms.